Libero - and she breaks free -
ARGONAUT: A small floating octopus, the female of which has webbed arms like snails and secretes a thin, coiled, papery shell in which the eggs are laid. PAPER NAUTILUS. The sea does not reward those too impatient. Do not dig for treasures. One should lay open. Shells. Occupancy. Temporary. Impermanence. Islands - solitary, surrounded, swept by the tides. What is the shape of my life? Think of an object that resembles it. Changing shape, making shapes. Metamorphosis. I shall ask into my shell, only those with whom I can be completely... Fill in the gap. The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere. Shed your mask. Driftwood worn smooth. Long journeys. weathered. Curious shapes. Woman resenting giving herself purposelessly. PAPER NAUTILUS not fastened to their shell at all. ARGONAUTA shells are considered by sailors a sign of fair weather and favourable winds. Could this shell be the voice of destiny. "We are adventuring in the chartless seas of imagination."