“For the one who stole all my clothing”
“Soul companionship gives safety and light”
“Spirit treasure”
“In any chance meeting on the street there is a shine, an elegance rising up.”
“Sailing through the light...”
“Now the heart, which is the source of your loving, turns to universal light, and the body picks up the tempo and elegance of its motion.”
“Halfhearted holding back, well enough... not here.
“Bird with both wings... ”
“She’s full of strength and energy but she panics in the dark”
“ Now soul is flying straight, like a moth to a candle flame”
“The joy of being opened”
“You must dive naked under and deeper under, a thousand times deeper!”
“A sky with gold streaks across”
“This fluttering love feeling will not stay much longer in my chest. Soon it will fly.”
“I may fly off for a while, but then the pain hurts here.
I come quickly back like Gabriel to the lotus tree.”
“The soul goes dancing ”
“Breathe into me. Close the language door and open the love window. The moon won’t use the door, only the window.”
“In any chance meeting on the street there is a shine, an elegance rising up.”
“There’s a confusion in surrender that the intellect so hates.”
“The soul lives like a mercury drop”
“The source of now is here”
“Lit from within ”
“Knowing the return that is coming”