I am only an arrow *Rumi
Absolute presence *Rumi
Anyway I turn I see brilliance *Rumi
As we hold each other *Rumi
Bright with understanding *Rumi
Darkness is your candle *Rumi
Deep core of being *Rumi
Drift into the answer *Rumi
Everything is soul and flowering *Rumi
Floating in a gold sky *Rumi
Heart strings *Rumi
I want to dance here in this music *Rumi
In deep ecstasy *Rumi
In the changing light *Rumi
Let fly *Rumi
Lovers are alive *Rumi
Pierce to the core *Rumi
Pregnant with real trust *Rumi
Super Looney *Rumi
The Moon stays bright when it doesn’t avoid the night *Rumi
The perfect beginning for ending *Rumi
Wild and fresh and thankful *Rumi
You have soaring gifts *Rumi